Friday, July 2, 2010

Flying Boxes Headed Your Way!

Careful, the world is a dangerous place. The genesis of this blog came one freezing morning outside Holmesburg Prison in Northeast Philly. Despite the murderers, rapists, and thieves wielding weapons from shivs to shanks on the other side of the forty foot stone wall, the Philadelphia Prison System wanted me to watch out for one thing: Flying Boxes to the Stomach. And to keep me abreast of the danger, they posted this sign near the front gate.

Conscious of the need to propagate this warning to the masses, I resolved that day to blog about it! It is the mission of this blog to identify vague or unexpected cartoon warning signs, interpret them when necessary, and post this vital information on the Internet.

Feel safe to roam the streets again fellow web surfer, I've got your back. (You just watch out for boxes to the stomach!)