Monday, October 25, 2010

Don't Fear the Reaper

Pumpkins, candy corn, toilet paper all over your bushes. Halloween is just around the corner, and that has me thinking about one thing...death...

It's only a matter of time for all of us. We know not the day or the hour, but thanks to the good folks at the Cheltenham Mall, you can be slightly more precise about the place.

This sign is prominently displayed on all of the mall's entrances. I'm not sure how they pulled it off, perhaps just a good ol' fashioned deal with the devil, but for some reason Death is pretty clearly verboten beyond those doors.

So go ahead, buy some discount shoes, get a cheap manicure, hell, play some Russian Roulette. Don't fear the reaper, baby, death can't reach you here.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

One More Reason not to Smoke

We're all familiar with the no smoking sign. We've seen it in public places, private buildings, bars, restaurants, schools, and gas stations. But as more and more people are trying to lead healthier lives, it seems like it's virtually impossible to find a place for a smoke break. This sign, brought to you by the good folks in the state of Maine, crosses one more locale off the list.

That's right. You may not smoke in a puffin's butt.

I think it's an honorable endeavor, although it does leave one to question the necessity of such a sign. Are puffins with their colorful beaks and snazzy black suits the ideal birds to grab a smoke with? Is the campaign meant to keep tobacco products away from a gullible and easily addicted species? Maybe it's just too unsettling for all of the visitors to Vacationland to see such an adorable animal participating in such deplorable behavior. I think, however, that these explanations give the puffin too much credit. After all, no one's preventing you from handing out Camels to a harbor seal or lobster. That being said, the only logical explanation is that puffins suffer from a particularly flammable (dare I say explosive?) flatulence problem.

Take your pick. But whatever the case, if you choose to put tobacco products up a bird's anus, you're taking your own life into your hands.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You'll Shoot Your Eye Out

There are a lot of ways to get from point A to point B, but none are cooler than an overpriced, undersized personal transportation device. Think about it. Who do you see on Segues, Golf Carts, and Jet Skis? Only the deadliest men in the world. Here's James Bond on the original personalized watercraft in the 1977 movie "The Spy Who Loved Me."

And here you have a SWAT team on Segues.

All I'm getting at is that while you can have a terrific afternoon tearing donuts into the turf on the eighth green, you have to keep in mind that your golf cart is a precision weapon in the war on terror. If you're not careful, you just might shoot your eye out...or fly out the back and land on your head. (Those things are really operating on all three cylinders!)

Look, if you're going to spend all of that money on a top of the line personal transportation device, you'd better expect there to be ejection seat, and you'd better learn how to use it. If not, at least wear a helmet.

Monday, October 4, 2010

We WILL rock you.

Great news for you hockey fans out there, the regular season starts this week! That's the kind of thing that just makes you want to jump for joy.

And for everyone else out there (who couldn't care less about hockey) watch out!

Listen, some people are easily excited. Maybe you just scored an overtime goal to sweep the St. Louis Blues in the Stanley Cup finals. Maybe you're at Ft. Washington State Park (where I found this sign) and there's a really awesome pile of leaves you want to jump in. Sometimes, you just want to take a leap.

That's perfectly acceptable. But for the more stoic of web surfers out there, be careful. We aren't all built like professional hockey players, and you don't want to end up like this.